Trudeau’s Carbon Tax ‘Climbdown’

08/01/2018 14:18 EDT | Updated 6 hours ago

Despite Ottawa tweaking its carbon price plan as called for by industry, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says it still  “changes nothing.”

“It’s still a carbon tax that will affect jobs, businesses, and families across Canada. It’s time for the fed [sic] gov’t to step back, reassess, and let the provinces develop climate plans on their own that actually work,” wrote Moe on social media on Wednesday.


It looks like the Federal Carbon 666 Tax will be scaled back, or killed off as long as Trump is in power.  Good news for today!  I spent a lot of time educating posters on the web how the carbon tax was a false science.  My wife left me because of it, but I promised the Father that I would help prevent the rebuilding of the Temple  and the carbon 666 tax was linked to the Rothschild, which owed a carbon exchange and had plans drawn up for the Temple.  (search on this blog for Rothschild).

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