Prayers answered by Timothy from the Father and the Son.

Prayers Answered by Timothy

Prayers answered by Timothy from the Father and the Son.

I was born on March 24, 1967 Good Friday, a very special day.  When I was a child I had a near death experience, but my dad a firefighter brought me back to life using heart massage.  Because I was just a child my life flashed back to time zero and I remember squeezing my hand in the womb, the pain was so terrible.  I remember meeting the “Righteous Judge” in heaven, but I never was given a name other then that and I remember being told to battle evil before coming here.  I wanted to see the Father as I remembered being there from before, but the Father is likely bigger then all that.  Years later as a young child a birthmark appeared on my hand where I squeezed it and I remembered my childhood experience, but I was told by a person in Heaven not to say anything (it was not the Judge who told me that), so as a child I never mentioned it to anyone.  If your going to use the “J” word, use Righteous Judge, like I have done in all my prayers (even though I never wrote it down that way).  I have been caught stealing as a child, I swear, I’m not the best person, but I now try to follow the Torah Law.  I’m right now trying to cut out pork while I write this.  In Alahayam “YAM” means PLURAL, for Father, Son and Spirit.

Psalm 7:11 myhla Ahlahayam judgeth the righteous, and Ishi is angry with the wicked every day.

I remember seeing on the TV a news interruption of a possible nuclear missle strike by Iraq.  I prayed to the Father and SON, then I had contacted the Pentagon telling them I remember “MADDAS” as a name to watch out for (from my childhood near-death experience).  SADDAM is MADDAS spelled backwards.  I contacted the Pentagon and told them of my childhood near death experience and told them that I wanted to head to Iraq to kill Saddam.  They wrote me back and said not to worry about it.  Later on, the USA invaded Iraq War of 2003.  The rest is history.  Its been messy there ever since, but things are finally starting to settle down there.   

Before I was married, I was talking to a cute Jewish girl on Skype who lived in Israel.  We got talking about the Temple of Solomon and I told her engineering ways that it could be built in days and she said “Oh, no you don’t want it rebuilt, because that is for Satan“.  I hadn’t even read the bible at the time.  As soon as she said that a small tornado lifted up my shed in the back yard high up, like a hand lifting the shed up, then the hand proceeded to turn the shed upside down and smash it against the ground!  My father rebuilt the metal shed and it still is in my rental back yard in Alvena, Sk.  I believe the backyard shed was symbolic to the Temple of Solomon, I was very glad that my house and life was not wasted!  My neighbor witnessed the “hand like tornado” and came running into my house just as I was on the phone talking about rebuilding the Temple of Solomon to the jewish girl just as she said “don’t build it”.

I promised Yahweh and the Righteous Judge that day, that I would do my best to prevent the rebuilding the the Temple of Solomon, the tornado scared me so.  Years later, I started seeing plans to rebuild the Temple of Solomon.


email sent to all members of the Canadian Parliament on Tue 8/10/2010.

Why is a carbon tax linked to private foreign banks and the building of Solomons temple for the Antichrist?

Here is how your carbon tax money heads to the Rothschilds….

This isn’t here to help Canadians, the carbon tax is here to help the Rothschilds gain dominion of all countries on the planet.

You pay your carbon tax to the Montreal Exchange….

30 May 2008 … Montréal (Quebec), May 30, 2008 – The Montréal Climate Exchange (MCeX), a joint venture of the. Montréal Exchange (MX) and the Chicago Climate Exchange…

It twirls around a few times and heads into Al Gores pocket, or the Rothschilds Bank….

Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) – both financed by Rothschild: “CCX selected Rothschild Inc., an affiliate of the prestigious London-based bank N. M. Rothschild & Sons Limited, to provide investment banking services .” Climate Exchange Plc (CLE) is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.


The Rothchilds The Bloody family

Time:  8:30/2:10

You will see here how the Rothschild told lies to take over Britain during the Napoleonic war.

Now they buy scientific propaganda to reach the same goals, a carbon tax that funnels money to the 6 foreign private banks.

The Global Warming Hoax Is A Rothschild Ponzi Scheme!! CO2-Dry Ice+N Pole=$$$$

Ayn Rand-Atheist, author of Atlas Shrug, and ex girlfriend of Philip Rothschild.

I guess the only god to the Rothschilds is the power of money, or maybe themselves?

Should not take anything on faith, so why are we to tithe to a theory of global warming to the bank of the Rothschilds?  After all a theory is not a fact but a hunch and a hunch only.

I do find it very interesting to know the Rothschilds, Jewish don’t seem to believe in the Bible or the Torah, but instead focus on freemasonry and atheism, yet they want Canadians to have faith in their global warming scientology and theory of warming religion.

Rothschild’s ‘Scarlet Beast’ Freemasonry and the Israeli Supreme Court 

Why are the Rothschilds building Masonic judicial temples in Israel?

Shouldn’t there be a separation between church and state? Why should I tithe a carbon tax to the freemasonry of the Rothschild’s?

Its just a theory of Global warming.  Canadians should not have to pay a tax to a foreign bank based on a religious faith or theory.  Even if the Rothschilds faith in collecting taxes to their own bank is strong.

Now this Rothschild connected to the Quebec/Ottawa Climate Exchange, connected and owning the Chicago Exchange, seems to have got out of the gold business in 2004, after 261 years of the Rothschild’s in the gold business.

Rothschild, the bank built on gold, quits market

Now after Rothschilds shorted the gold market with fraudulent paper derivative certificates up to 2X the market of gold, the question is where is the gold now?  Do the Chinese have it, or are the Rothchilds planning on building the fake solomons temple on the mount where in the final times “the streets will be paved with gold”?

Dr. Leen Ritmeyer is a dutch-born architect who received his doctorate from England’s Manchester University based on his work on the design of Solomon’s Temple. He has been financed almost from the beginning by Lord Jacob Rothschild, the head of Rothschild Investment Trust.


“Finally, the Illuminati is so interested in promoting the welfare of Israel at the expense of the Arabs because they fully plan to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount! To secure the safety and welfare of this new Masonic Temple — Antichrist’s Temple — the Illuminati is more than willing to annihilate all Muslims.”

The Bible states that the first rebuilding of the Temple is for the great deceiver.  The one after that, is for God to come back and rule the lands.  So why is our tax money funding this temple for Satanists?  Is it wise to be connecting a carbon tax to this and related religious organizations?

So have the Rothchilds got out of the gold business to rebuild solomons temple using a carbon tax connected to the Quebec Climate exchange?

Is this something that most Canadians are proud to pay a carbon tax for?

Where is the separation between Church and State?


Tim Sorsdahl


Days after I contacted the Canadian government on the link of the The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) to the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon for the AntiChrist, the exchange announced on October 21, 2010 that it will cease carbon trading this year.  I wrote all political parties and just hammered it out there to everyone, I did get a scanned fax page in reply saying the government received the information.


So the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon has been delayed.  I believe that the carbon 666 tax could end up being the Mark of the Beast.  We all know that the Father and Son control the weather, not man.  There are 8 major things to sustain human life, anywhere on the planet and to varying degrees they consist of carbon dioxide, oxygen, food, water, shelter, clothing, medical care and money.  The amount of carbon on the planet does not change due to the Law of the Conservation of Mass.  So the whole Climate science is a false religion.  Carbon and carbon dioxide is a rare life bearing element.

Another major prayer I have had prayers answered, when I didn’t know the Holy name of Ahayah and Yasha was this.  I remember in Heaven that the Righteous Judge had the ability to control the weather and He told me to battle evil;


Published Monday, Apr. 04, 2011 1:53PM EDT

Last updated Monday, Sep. 10, 2012 1:38PM EDT

Stephen Harper is ruling out introducing measures to restrict abortions or eliminate same-sex marriages should he win a majority government.

Asked whether he’d make changes in these areas if he gained control of the Commons, the Conservative Leader said no.


I was so upset that there was gay marriage and legalized abortions that I wrote an annonymous prayer on the Globe and Mail complaining of it and asking the Father and Son for a storm to blow the Parliament buildings.  I didnt know the proper name for the Father and Son, but I did my very best.


Quint 2 you wrote 10:42 PM on October 24, 2012

Yahweh since this evil has been forced onto Canadians against our will, we voted for a Christian believing political party and what we got instead is one that follows strange gods and evil and we have tried to correct the lost way they are taking. Thanks for helping Canadians with the genetically modified corn, helping to wipe out some of those crops that cause genetic issues and organ failure. Please יהוה YHWH Yahweh, if it suits you could you blow over the Parliament buildings here when you get some time, to prove that you don’t go for strange marriages and the changing of the definition of Marriage to suit Satan.

In the Messiah Only begotten SON (Jesus) name



October 24th 2012 was the prayer date for a wind to blow the Canadian parliament buildings…I posted under a anonymous name.  About 6 days later hurricane SANDY happened and my prayer was answered.  I knew that Jesus and Yahweh was not His Holy name, but I didn’t know who else to pray to and I told the Father and the Son that, the Righteous Judge


Cost: Superstorm Sandy caused $65 billion in damage in the U.S., making it the second-costliest weather disaster in American history behind only Hurricane Katrina, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).Oct 29, 2013

Having a public prayer answered, would consider me as a prophet.  It made the Globe and Mail commenting boards speechless and they soon banned me from posting on that site and soon after that, they changed commenting providers.  Now I know that Yahweh is known as a storm god.  Since that time, I was medically treated with  schizophrenia, after my wife divorced me.  I could hear voices of Yahweh and Jesus and they would try to temp me into following Satan as Jesus would only show up when Satan was around constantly asking me questions on the scriptures and testing and tempting me.

HMS (Her Majesty’s Ship) Bounty sunk by Hurricane Sandy storm.  God ended the Monarchies Divine Right To Rule.

Monarchy Divine Right of Rule ended with answered prayer by Yahuwah (pdf)

Flavit יהוה et Dissipati Sunt! Yahuwah blew with His winds, and they were scattered

Monarchy lost Divine Right to rule, I used this to put the Holy Scriptures back into law, cancelling out all serpent and simon says laws of men, beast and evil spirits, handing it back to the Father יהוה YHWH

Luke 4:4 And Yahshua answered to him, saying, It has been written: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of YAHWEH.” (Father) (Deut. 8:3) so its impossible that Trinity has any life in it.

Monarchy/Vatican system loses Divine Right to Rule & loses Legal Tender

The Monarchy did not do a Jubilee as required of an Israelite tribe, so the monarchy lost her divine right of rule. I used the answered prayer to enact the Magna Carta and being an heir, a Kerr on my mothers side, used the Church of England to wipe out all serpent laws by man which alter the word of God יהוה YHWH reenacting the Holy Scriptures as the ONLY LAW and wiping out all debts as required by a Jubilee.  Mark and Charles Kerr printed the King James Bible, His Majesty’s Printers.  Those common laws and roman ship laws expired with the defeating of the Monarchy during Hurricane Sandy! Magna Carta of 1215 has legal precedent over the Declaration of Independence of 1776 that Obama has been gutting anyways, you can bear arms with the Holy Scriptures too.  I registered as well as hoping that it would show up in search engines so I could preach the word there, but google never made it show up, so I eventually let the names expire.  In 2018 I now also know it is an Ahcad.

Revelation 18:6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

The Holy Scriptures are now the only LAW, cancelling out all other laws made by man and demonic roman ship laws and common laws of the Vatican multi layered Beast system.

This is the year of the Jubilee! There are no debts, That is the law.

Israel was formed in 1948 and had 50 years to establish itself and every seven years there is to be a Jubilee after that! 1948+50 +7+7=2012

Leviticus 25:13 In the year of this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession.

17Ye shall not therefore oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God: for I am the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 15:1(KJV)At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.Leviticus 25:10(KJV)And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.

I immediately started to preach the news online since October of 2012 FULL TIME until I was banned from Amazon in July 2013 from their FEAR of answered prayers by God YHWH יהוה Yahuwah, where Catholic deacons & priests posted on chat boards, they said they needed to “test me” and prayer after prayer posted online was answered by God YHWH יהוה Yahuwah. The last set of prayers actually caused 2 earthquakes to happen and tectonic plates to crack within hours of a __________________________________________________PRAYER made to God YHWH יהוה Yahuwah posted 

online at Amazon Your post: Jun 8, 2013 6:29:38 PM PDT October 24th the Holy Scriptures was put into Law, however the Catholics have denied it, instead asking for more signs which caused more pain. I have preached in Season and out of Season continually and the Catholics will not adhere to sound doctrine, rather they love their doctrine of devils and their roman ship laws and common laws of the Vatican Satan. I have even informed them that SHE, the Catholic church is to remain silent till the end of time, but they do not adhere.

So if it appeals to you Yahweh I ask that you turn the Hurricanes inwards towards the major cities to demonstrate that you do not enjoy to have pedophiles as priests and that you do not like men and women making laws like the serpent did in the Garden of Eden, changing your laws and polluting your Holy and Perfect Word. Many men and families have suffered under their common laws and distortion of 1 Timothy 1:10 using their roman voted system, having children kidnapped and menstealer. I will accept a written notice of complete capitulation.

In YaHWaH (Yahweh) YHWH יהוה and His only begotten SON (Yahuwah)Yahushua יהןשןע; name

Amên אָמֵן (pronounced Ah-mein) 



1 Timothy 1:18 This charge I commit to you, my child Timothy, according to the prophecies going before concerning you, that you might war the good warfare by them,

19 having faith and a good conscience, those who have rejected this charge have lost their faith,

20 of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan to be disciplined that they no longer blaspheme.

I, Timothy also have had similar prayers answered as Elijah, doing the same, following the word of GOD יהוה YHWH and His only begotten son

God Yahuwah totally energized that storm system to answer my prayer.

People whom witnessed the lightening say it Lit up the ground like daylight, electrical boxes blowing everywhere….

A rolling red cloud with a thin PILLAR in the middle filled with orange lightening, blue, green and purple, with an Olympic ring pattern at the end followed with a thunderous boom sound!

Just as God has demonstrated in the Bible that He shows up as a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day!

Derecho of June 29, 2012: Ten tell-tale images of historic “land hurricane” Washington Post · Jun. 28, 2013 historic-land-hurricane/

Derecho on land from prayer to God (pdf)

Lightning gone wild during Washington D.C.’s derecho By Jason Samenow Posted at 03:58 PM ET, 07/02/2012

Lightning from Derecho storm (pdf)

Approximately 4.2 million customers were left in the dark in the immediate aftermath of the derecho, according to the Department of Energy. Outages per percentage of total customers from the event were the highest on record for the D.C./Md./Va./W.Va. region. historic-land-hurricane/

2 Timothy 4:1 I solemnly charge you before YAHWEH and the Master Yahshua Messiah, He being about to judge the living and the dead at His appearance and His kingdom:

2 Preach the Word! Stand by it in season and out of season. Convict, warn, encourage with all patience and teaching.

Look the prophet of Timothy has already been proven. When you post a prayer online and it happens, that is being a prophet. It doesn’t matter if someone doesnt like me

Prophet..if prophecies happen then real.

Deuteronomy (Devarim)18:17 And YAHWEH said to me, They have spoken well, what they have said. 18 I shall raise up a prophet to them from among their brothers, one like you; and I will put My Words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him.

19 And it shall be, whoever will not listen to My Words which he shall speak in My name, I will require it at his hand.

20 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, that which I have not commanded him to speak, and who speaks in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

21 And if you say in your heart, How shall we know the word which YAHWEH has not spoken?

22 When a prophet speaks in the name of YAHWEH, if the thing does not happen or come about, that is the thing which YAHWEH has not spoken; that prophet has spoken it proudly; you shall not be afraid of him.

pg 271 HRB Any prophet in the Bible without fail was spoken to by the creators name Yahweh. In turn anyone claiming to be a prophet must only speak in the name of Yahweh or he would be put to death.

April 15 2013, I miraculously have been doing this! Somehow in a land full of Jesus jesus jesus a 400 year old false name term I instead rejected and found the truth.

Rather then collection plates and a large building and staff, I’m a smaller outfit that relies on a few rental properties and art sales to help provide “FRUIT” in order to continue preaching the word of God YHWH יהוה Yahuwah. Since October I was spending 10 to 12 hour days with NO WAGE preaching, even buying manuscripts and older Bibles to track down the TRUTH.

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

They will be the ones who will powerfully pronounce his return, “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and

they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive

trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire

proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this

manner be killed.” (Revelation 11:3-5). Rapture-Two Witnesses Deny Which Churches -Part1of2

If I’m one of the 2 prophets, very good chance since I met the Judge in Heaven, I’m blocking every church from entering HEAVEN that has pagan idol doctrine, trinity, 400-500 year old Jesus terms of Jupiter Zeus or the promotion kidnapping/menstealer (1 Timothy 1:10) through this Satanic Vatican State Roman Ship Law System,

(In 2018 I now know that the Temple of Solomon must first be built with the Anti-Christ proclaiming himself as GOD before the 2 prophets arrive.)

Luke 4:4 And Yahshua answered to him, saying, It has been written: “Man shall not live by bread or the use of leaven in oblation

alone, but by every Word of YAHWEH.” (Father) (Deut. 8:3) so its impossible that Trinity has any life in it.

Melfort is Jerusalem in the Israel of the NORTH!

Ezekiel 14:11 So that the house of Israel may not stray any more from after Me, and not be defiled again with all their transgressions; but they are to Me for a people, and I will be to them for Elohim, declares Adonai YAHWEH.

12 And the Word of YAHWEH came to me, saying,

13 Son of man, when a land sins against Me, by traitorous betraying, then I will stretch out My hand on it, and I will shatter the staff of bread to

it, and I will send famine on it. And I will cut off from it man and beast.

Timothy Sorsdahl says: Your post: Jun 25, 2013 3:44:20 PM PDT

Israel is also of the NORTH OK, so that is a fact

Jeremiah 3:11 And YAHWEH said to me, The apostate Israel has justified herself more than treacherous Judah. 12 Go and cry these words toward the north, and say, Return, O apostate Israel, says YAHWEH. I will not cause My face to fall on you,for I am merciful, says YAHWEH; I will not keep anger forever.

Then you add my answered prayers and I’m a temporary king of the Israel of the North, until the Messiah arrives.

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus

(Messiah) came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. oding=UTF8&c dForum=Fx 77WQHU8YS50Z&c dMs gI D=Mx 1Z2XN738D99U0&c dMs gNo=1471&c dPage=59&c dSort =oldes t &c dThre


Timothy Sorsdahl says: Your post: Jun 25, 2013 3:46:51 PM PDT

I declare today as king of the Nation of Israel of the North that Melfort shall be hereby called by true believers as Jerusalem.

Amên אָמֵן (pronounced Ah-mein)

~~Timothy~~ oding=UTF8&c dForum=Fx 77WQHU8YS50Z&c dMs gI D=Mx 2KZ4M9RKL VVXP&c dMs gNo=1473&c dPage=59&c dSort =oldes t &c dThr


Timothy Sorsdahl says: Your post: Jun 25, 2013 3:52:53 PM PDT

I declare today as king of the Nation of Israel of the North that the 10 Commandments, the Torah and then the rest of the Holy Scriptures is hereby the only LEGAL LAW in our lands fulfilling Matt 5:17-20.



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Now that I have preached online for a couple of years+ and finished a bunch of research into the truth of the scriptures I plan to go door to door in the community, or have people stop in at my humble house church and spread the word .

Until I come, be diligent in reading, and in prayer, and in teaching. 14 Do not neglect the gift in you, which was given to you through prophecy, with laying on of the hands of the Elderhood.

— 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV

And Yahshua answered to him, saying, It has been written: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of YAHWEH.”

— Luke 4:4

Islam however follows more of Torah law then anyone else and it was for this reason that I verbally when Hurricane Sandy with the Magna Carta put into Morsi hand the founding documents of all countries, so that I wouldn’t be a target, as I know Obama is working with them anyways, some deception who knows. YaHWaH punished me the next day, snow blew in my yard to the height of top of the roof of a car. I spent the day shovelling the road and even digging out a police car that got stuck, whom was likely monitoring the internet traffic of the bizarre event of putting the founding documents into the furnace of egypt.

Egypt in the Holy Scriptures is nothing but bad, its a curse however it does refine things and we know all light comes out of darkness.

Deuteronomy 4:20 But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day. 

Ezekiel 22:18 Son of man, the house of Israel is to me become dross: all they are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace; they are even the dross of silver. 

Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

So Islam follows Torah better then anyone else and even the bank of Iran doesn’t charge usury. So we are brothers.

Rome/Greek false gods have people following the horse!

Morsi is the leader of Egypt, put in by the muslim brotherhood.


Its 2018 now and I just found out that the White House was lit up in rainbow colors in commemoration of the Supreme Court’s ruling to legalize gay (same-sex) marriage on Friday, June 26th, 2015.  I have been immersed in scripture work and have been busy building the YABS scriptures and I never even realized the USA did that, but its a sign of Sodom and Gomorrah, hopefully Trump can clean up the mess?

The voices of Jesus and Yahweh constantly wanted me to do research into finding “Cleaner Scriptures” and that has helped me in finding their real Holy names.  I very rarely have anymore voices in my head, the voices stopped questioning and complaining to me when I followed my own cleaner scriptures and Ahayah and Yasha. I hate that the government is forcing me to take medication as I feel it is unscriptural.  I’m down to no pills and one injection a month which I don’t think I need, but they will haul me off to the mental ward if I don’t take it.  I have peace with Ahayah and Yasha and the word.    While this version may not yet be finished and there maybe another edition of the Yasha Ahayah Scriptures, I hope that this version of the scriptures follows that of the prophesized Timothy, if I am him.  I’m condident that Ahayah is the name because I remember seeing the hyha symbol there in Heaven that I picked out from amoung many many symbols, now that I have had help by the GOCC in finding it.

2 Timothy 4:13 (YASAT) The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.

I had more then 2 prayers answered by the Father and Son.  At the time, without even knowing this scripture as I hadn’t read that far, I have done my best to build a vast library collection of Bibles, books and parchments and have felt guided on many days when building this cleaner scriptures you find in this book.  I hope that you too, by studying the word daily and doing your best to follow the Torah Laws can also have your prayers answered.  I know its tough out there when no country is following the Torah law, not even Israel (Yasharahla for the real hebrews).  With so many pagan churches following unholy names, traditions of men and lawlessness.


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