Peak Silver by 2027, just 9 years away!

We have estimated that the ultimately recoverable reserves of silver are in the range 2.7–3.1 million tonne silver at present, of which approximately 1.35–1.46 million tonne have already been mined. The timing estimate range for peak silver production is narrow, in the range 2027–2038, with the best estimate in 2034. By 2240, all silver mines will be nearly empty and exhausted.

Watch the “Precious Metals Reserve” of silver dwindling!
Entering the new year, the world’s top silver companies averaged $10.56 (USD) in production costs per ounce of silver.
Currently silver is priced at $22.94CAD an ounce with free shipping on orders of $500CAD.
I don’t own very much silver, but I’m going to start adding now while the prices are low.

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