New Discovery Made Today!

I made another discovery today!  I will include this new information in the second edition of the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures.
No Jesus found in the Codex Sinaiticus, but the name of the Messiah “ΙΣ” found in the Codex Sinaiticus is Yasha in Paleo Hebrew!
The Codex Sinaticus (Σιναϊτικός Κώδικας) uses the “nomina sacra” (sacred abbreviation) “ΙΣ” for Iesous (Iota Sigma).
Since Koine Greek had no linguistic equivalent to the letter ש shin [sh], it was replaced with σ sigma [s], and a masculine singular ending [-s] was added in the nominative case to allow the name to be logically inflected.
“ΙΣ” for Jesus
ΙΣ=Iota Sigma (Ι=Iota=Yodh=י=“Ya” in Paleo Hebrew)  (Σ=Sigma=Shin ש=“Sha” in Paleo Hebrew)
Iota is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Yodh.
Yodh= Hebrew Yōd =י=Ya
That is “Ya” in ancient Hebrew Alphabet
Hebrew Shin ש The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek Sigma (Σ) and the letter Sha in the Glagolitic
That is a “Sha” in ancient Hebrew Alphabet.
“ΙΣ” for Iesous (Jesus)= (Iota Sigma)=“Ya”-“sha” in Paleo Hebrew!
The Messiah name Yasha is found in the Codex Sinaiticus the Oldest Greek New Testament Bible!
Imagine, the name of the Messiah is right there in the Codex Sinaiticus!  Now the second edition of the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures restores the name Yasha throughout.

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