more new evidence that YASHA is His Holy Name!

I found out today a new name the Jews whom rejected the Messiah were calling him Yeshu harasha’ or Yeshu rasha’.

Yasha is close to Yeshu, the saviours real name.  Yasha means Saviour in Hebrew, so the fact that the Medieval European Jews wrote down Yeshu for the Saviour is telling!

“Yeshu” is actually an acronym for the formula (ימח שמו וזכרו(נו (Y’mach Sh’mo V’Zichro(no)) meaning “may his name and memory be obliterated”. 

Sefer Toledot Yeshu (ספר תולדות ישו, The Book of the Generations/History/Life of the Messiah), often abbreviated as Toledot Yeshu, is an early Jewish text taken to be an alternative biography of Messiah. It exists in a number of different versions, none of which are considered either canonical or normative within rabbinic literature,[1] but which appear to have been widely circulated in Europe and the Middle East in the medieval period.[2][3] A 15th-century Yemenite work of the same was titled Maaseh Yeshu, or the “Episode of Messiah,” in which Messiah is described as being the son of Joseph, the son of Pandera (see: Episode of Messiah). The account portrays Messiah as an impostor.

The stories claim that Messiah (Yeshu) was an illegitimate child, and that he practiced magic and heresy, seduced women, and died a shameful death.[4] But they also show a paradoxical respect for Messiah.

Toledot Yeshu (“The Life Story of Jesus) Revisited edited by Peter Schafer, Michael Meerson and Yaacov Deutch Pg. 164

Yeshu harasha’ appears in the majority of Toledot Yeshu manuscripts that I consulted (including Strasbourg BnU 3974; JTS 2221; Cambridge 557); and Ox. Cod. Heb 2407 (Opp. Add. 4 145) call Yeshu rasha’.  For rabbinic references to haman harasha’.  The epithet harasha’ is also used for some other characters deemed evil in rabbinic literature, for example Balaam  

Yeshu harasha’ or Yeshu rasha‘ is very very close to Yasha which means saviour in Hebrew.  The fact that medieval people who wanted his name blotted out called him that, is a lot closer then the modern 500 year old name of Jesus.

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