Monsanto / Bayer fined $290 million for causing Cancer

Monsanto loses court case and has to pay $290 million.

I’m against the geneitic modification of plants, animals and humans.  I’m against using roundup in my yard because I know it causes cancer.  I have weeds, but I don’t care at least my land is clean and dandelions are full of vitamin C.  I wish they had a more natural way to grow crops without glyphosate.  Years ago, I found out that Monsanto means Mon-Satan, now Bayer, the germans own it.

Things are changing rapidly.  This will lead to more lawsuits, for people with their cancers.
GMO Sugar Beets and other GMO crops, have been sprayed with multiple times the normal amount of roundup.  Its simply destroying the land and making a toxic environment.
Glyphosate Annual Pesticide Use Maps 1992 – 2011 Animated
Its 2018 now, its even worse.  The land could collapse for production spraying these chemicals.  
Well Liberal California is the first to get its hand in the money pie and they need the money there to support socialism with more court cases to follow.  I hope that Bayer/Monsanto goes bankrupt, but I doubt they will.

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