End of the law? Flaw found in KJV and other Bibles.

Romans 10:4 For Messiah is the goal of the Torah Law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

The Torah law is not done away with!  KJV says “end”, but the original Greek and Aramaic (Peshitta) text clearly shows that “goal” is a better interpretation.  G5056 τέλος telos From a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal).  Look up the word “end” in original Greek https://biblehub.com/interlinear/romans/10-4.htm


Common English Bible (CEB) & מה Cepher & Hebraic Roots Bible etc. confirms this.  Heaven and Earth have not passed so the Torah Law remains!  Matthew 4:17-20  Narrow is the Path that leads to life Matthew 7:13-14!  The Messiah said he follows the Father. John 6:38 The Messiah did not do away with the Fathers Law.  Do you think that the Father wishes to do away with His own Law and follow the Serpent?  Christian churches preach and teach falsely that the Torah law is done away with!  The sacrifice is done away with for the Messiah fulfilled that part!  Circumcision is now optional.  There is no “Old and New Testament”, there is only ONE Testament, the whole scripture!  Adam also was to teach the law but failed.  The Messiah showed how to follow the Law and is a good goal to pick up the cross and follow Him, the Messiah who follows the Father and His Torah Law, to the best of your abilities.  Follow the Messiah and Father who are ONE ahcad (echad) and NOT Paul (who confuses many)!  Come out of the Babylonian churches that preach the law is done away with Revelation 18:4!

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