My Wife Is Leaving Me What Do I Do Pastor Dowell?

Let her go! There is always someone better than her.
Wow, I watched this video and it speaks to me the same things that I went through with Deanna.  She demanded that I pick up the dog when I was dead tired, from worrying about her delivery, just days after she put all her debt on me (which I paid off). Nothing she and Larry her pastor did was biblical, or following the law.  I asked Larry to show me biblically anything they were doing and he could not do it.  I settled out of court and paid her handsomely, let her take off freely with my kid (I don’t know for sure).  It has been one of the hardest things that has ever happened to me.
Today I am debt free, support the child I never get to see and have a full time job, house rentals and 2 online businesses.

My Wife Is Leaving Me What Do I Do Pastor Dowell?

Published on Mar 12, 2019

Let her go! There is always someone better than her.
Wow, I watched this video and it speaks to me the same things that I went through with Deanna.  She demanded that I pick up the dog when I was dead tired, from worrying about her delivery, just days after she put all her debt on me (which I paid off). Nothing she and Larry her pastor did was biblical, or following the law.  I asked Larry to show me biblically anything they were doing and he could not do it.  I settled out of court and paid her handsomely, let her take off freely with my kid (I don’t know for sure).  It has been one of the hardest things that has ever happened to me.
Today I am debt free, support the child I never get to see and have a full time job, rentals and 2 online businesses.

Finally have a secure shopping cart!

I have had a site up for years.  When I first started selling my art, I even tried buying a green Https SSL certificate.  They required me to buy a business license from my city which I did paying an extra $50 and even after that I could not get approval after months!

I have tried buying SSL certificates and my site still shows as insecure, even when redirecting the browsers in Cpanel to https.
Well I tried buying a new hosting account with and got them to install comodo ssl.  It was part of a bundle plan.  Again it still did not work properly.  So I set the redirect to and doing that seemed to help!
Then it said only my images are not secure, but my shopping cart is!  Finally I have a secure shopping cart.  You can access the secure shopping cart here;
I will be updating my sites to redirect to the secure shopping cart.
Hopefully it increases sales!

Global Warming A “Hoax And Scam” Pushed By Greedy Government Scientists: Greenpeace Co-Founder

Nice to know that the original founder knew this was a scam.

Too Many Promises That Cannot Be Kept!

Over 1000% of the US Gross Domestic Product in promises!
The other countries are starting to print money again including the European central bank.
Usually when the money printing starts to increase, things like commodities (Silver) will go up.
It takes years for it to happen.

World added an Amazon’s worth of greenery in 2 decades: NASA

Published Monday, March 4, 2019 4:26PM EST 
NASA scientists say the Earth has added as much plant coverage as exists in all of the Amazon rainforest over the past two decades, in large part due to human activity in China and India.
I always knew that CO2 was not bad for the environment.  A greener world is not bad news at all.

Global Warming: Los Angeles Has Coldest February in 60 Years

Los Angeles is officially experiencing the coldest February in nearly 60 years, according to the National Weather Service, as the city has endured a series of storms and is bracing for more later this week.

Yet the socialist globalists will still demand a carbon 666 tax, to create a world government for Satan.

Las Vegas Gets Snow For Second Time This February

An inch of snow in the Vegas desert and people still want to push for a carbon tax to fight global warming?  It’s a false religion!

How do big farmers hope to pick the next crop? Carefully — but with robots

Updated 5:51 PM; Posted 5:51 PM

I saw another video of peppers being picked by robots.  It looks like the days of repetitive manual labour is starting to come to an end.  They still haven’t figured out how to pick strawberries fully yet, but they will.  My job in Melfort will someday also be automated.  I hope that before its time they are automated, that I’m retired.
Costs for robots right now are expensive, but will drop with increased production.  I could see the need to use roundup also dimminishing if they make robots that hoe and pull weeds, so in some ways the future of progress holds hope for better more nutritious foods.  Cheaper prices too.
But people are going to have to find other work to do.
2 THESSALONIANS 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you: that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
People may end up working less hours to put food on their table, lets hope so.

Climate Change Religion And Related Cover-Ups: What The Hell Is NASA Hiding?

Fri, 02/15/2019

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