American Credit Card interest rates keep rising 17%

America Sinking In Debt as Middle Class DISAPPEARS! Credit Card and Student Loans Rise!
I’m glad I paid and ripped up my credit card years ago.  I’m out of debt while the average Canadian or American is drowning in loans and credit card debt.
Funny how the Fed said they would not raise rates and said that the market would not crash as we approach this “Tripple top” (a normal bearish sign) in the stock markets.  Only the rich can afford to buy at these prices.
The average worker is struggling to make ends meet.

Half of and is secure

Wow, rebuilding webpages to be secure (https://  SSL) takes a lot of time and hard work.  Half of these websites is now secure.  I’m working on adding the rest.  This is the base webpages, once this is done my other websites will take less time to fix.  I’m also using new compressed images so the webpages load faster.  It is all in an effort to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.

Americans behind on car loans by 90 days or more

RT America
Published on Feb 13, 2019
This is old news and I have not seen the ramifications of these defaulters in their car payments.  But its a good reminder that all is not well in the economy, if people cannot afford to drive to work.
New-car loans hit highest interest rates in a decade
Published: Apr 2, 2019 11:39 a.m. ET
The annual percentage rate, or APR, on a new financed vehicle is expected to average 6.36% in March, compared with 5.66% in March 2018 and 4.44% five years ago.
So interest rates are moving up, despite what the Fed has been saying that rates would remain constant.

Alberta election happening right now on Tuesday, April 16

Hopefully there will be another province opposing the carbon 666 tax.

Manitoba Joins Ontario, Saskatchewan In Carbon Tax Court Fight

04/04/2019 07:33 EDT
 Finally some strong opposition to the carbon 666 tax.  Another province joins the battle.  LOL  This is good news and October election will see if a carbon tax stays in Canada. 

Half of Older Americans Have Nothing in Retirement Savings

Bloomberg March 27, 2019
The bad news is that almost half of Americans approaching retirement have nothing saved in a 401(k) or other individual account.  Of those 55 and older, 48 percent had nothing put away in a 401(k)-style defined contribution plan or an individual retirement account, according to a GAO estimate for 2016 that was released Tuesday.
I turned 52, I’m out of debt, have 3 houses paid off and am just starting to put money away into retirement plans, after selling some land.  It’s going to get rough when the economy takes a tailspin.
About the only thing you can do is follow the word and get out of debt.  Following Ahayah and Yashaya has helped me on this journey, even though I have had little else weekly to look forward to, after paying the development expenses of building these sites and scriptures.


Finally figured out how to make the webpages secure and speeded up the website loading process as well.  Now someone shopping will feel confident about making a purchase.  The PDF and Answered prayers does not preview under ssl, so bought a custom navigation bar to handle the changes.  Now I finally have a newsletter subscription field at the top that does not cost $19USD a month.  I invested in building the component myself and it looks pretty good.

Sorsdahl Art Galley is now secure!

I finally figured out how to get an https:// padlock to appear on

I had to rebuild the entire website in order for the SSL certificates to work.  

Vatican manuscripts

I had a chat online with a fellow Canadian.  I told him that the Codex Sinaiticus was older then the Codex Vaticanus, but he insisted the Vaticanus was older.  The Sinaiticus is indeed older.  But I didn’t get his name or email address in order to tell him that.

Total Debt Worldwide Hits US$240 Trillion, And The Bank Of Canada Is Worried

She said the combined global debt owed by governments, businesses and households now amounts to US$240 trillion, which is US$100 trillion higher than just before the financial crisis and more than three times the world’s gross domestic product.
Government debt, she added, has “skyrocketed” over the past 10 years, while corporate borrowing has “exploded” and now displays some risky qualities.
2008 was the financial crisis and now US$100 trillion higher is the debt! 3X the worlds GDP debt now stands at.
My recommendation is to get out of debt and stay out of debt.
I don’t even have a credit card anymore, I use a VISA debit card issued from my bank instead.
I’m glad I moved out of the large city to buy property in smaller towns.  The house I currently live in is just classified as a city.

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