Nearly 102 Million Americans Do Not Have A Job Right Now – Worse Than At Any Point During The Last Recession

Fri, 04/26/2019 – 16:45
Wouldn’t it be horrible if the number of Americans without a job was higher today than it was during the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009?  Well, that is actually true. 

Hopkins Study: Half Of Schizophrenia Cases Misdiagnosed, Most Just Have Anxiety

April 25, 2019

53% of Americans Live Paycheck To Paycheck! The Debt Fiasco.

When people are pushed to the edge, everything is totally fine. Until it isn’t. We are in the new Roaring Twenties. It’s happening all over again. Complacency is always met with a swift smack in the face. Ouch.

‘Maxed out’: 48% of Canadians on brink of insolvency, survey says

The number of Canadians who are $200 or less away from financial insolvency every month has climbed to 48 per cent, up from 46 per cent in the previous quarter, in a sign of deteriorating financial stability for many people in the country, according to a new poll.
The survey, conducted by Ipsos for insolvency firm MNP Ltd. and released Monday, also found that 35 per cent of Canadians say an interest rate increase would move them towards bankruptcy, while 54 per cent said they worry about their ability to repay debts. 
“Canadians appear to be maxed out with no real plan for paying back what they have borrowed,” said MNP President Grant Bazian in a release. “This raises many alarming questions about how and if consumer debt will be repaid, particularly if conditions deteriorate or interest rates rise.”
The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark lending rate three times last year, taking it to 1.75 per cent in October, but has since held rates steady. The central bank will announce its next interest rate decision Wednesday.
A sneeze and the markets will begin to drop.

Feds Could ‘Regulate Where You Live’ If Carbon Law Stands

TORONTO — The federal government will end up with the power to regulate almost every facet of life — such as when you can drive or where you can live — if its law aimed at curbing harmful greenhouse gas emissions is allowed to stand, Ontario’s top court heard Monday.
Ottawa’s climate-change law is so broad, a lawyer for the province told the start of a four-day Appeal Court hearing, that it would give the federal government powers that would be destabilizing to Canada in the name of curbing the cumulative effects of global-warming emissions.
“They could regulate where you live. How often you drive your car,” Josh Hunter told the five-justice panel. “It would unbalance the federation.”
This is why I am against the carbon 666 tax religion.  They want to put the law in, then stack and pack people into high-rises and ultimately depopulate the planet.

Canadian banks on ‘credit doomsday watch,’ CIBC analysts warn

Canada’s bank sector could be vulnerable to loan losses as credit conditions worsen, according to a new report from CIBC Capital Markets that calls the situation “hardly apocalyptic, but still noteworthy.”

Houses sitting empty from defaults on mortgages its starting to put the strain on banks.
Might be a good idea to pull your cash out of the bank, as what happened in Greece they seized peoples savings with bank bail-ins.

Another Pre Financial Crisis Indicator just Flipped, 2019 Economic Collapse Update

Job openings took the biggest drop in roughly 4 years.

Published on Apr 11, 2019

This is the start. Next will be an upsurge in layoffs.

I work at a job which is recession proof. Out of debt and ready for a financial collapse.

Notre-Dame evil church burns to the ground

Churches are a pagan term.  Assembly is a better term.  Well Notre-Dame burned to the ground and made it in front page news.  There is much demonic about the church looking at the idols of Gargoyles, which should be avoided.

Evil is right out in the open, parading as the “light”.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

The Father said;
Exodus 23:13  And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. 
The Messiah (Son) said;
1 John 5:21   Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Ahman. 
This Yasha Ahayah Scripture attempts to remove the Pagan Gods (Elohim) that have been inserted in most bibles which people mistakenly worship.  Here is a listing of what changes have been made to make these Yasha Ahayah Scriptures Aleph Tav more Holy;

Trump calls for Fed to adopt quantitative easing

Trump calls for Fed to adopt quantitative easing after jobs report
Published: Apr 5, 2019 10:11 a.m. ET
It looks like we are headed into a recession and the only thing to stop it is printing money.  If that doesn’t happen down we go.

Inverted yield curve means recession 2021 or earlier

The Most Scary Chart Right Now in Finance

Published on Mar 30, 2019
This is a very important video showing how Canada and the USA is heading into a recession
The only lever they have left is printing money to delay the fall!

Purchase Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures without Pagan Terms
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