Today is the biblical festival of PURIM

Today and tomorrow is the biblical festival of PURIM which you give out gifts.

Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, who was planning to kill all the Jews. This took place in the ancient Achaemenid Persian Empire. The story is recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther.
I decided to buy as my PURIM gift.  It has a new preview of the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures as well as hopefully allowing me to do banner advertising, since the website is less controversial.  
While most people give out Christmas gifts from a pagan holiday.
Why not follow Ahayah instead and give out PURIM gifts?

Debt Consolidation is a Con

Deanna left about 30 days after all of her debts were placed on my properties with a Helock loan, she took our child Elayna Sorsdahl with her and that was it.

Page 47 of the Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey, shows that debt consolidation is dangerous because you treat only the symptom.  Debt CONsolidation is nothing more then a Con, because you think you have done something about the debt problem.  The debt is still there, as are the habits that caused it; you just moved it!  78% of the time, after someone consolidates his credit card debt, the debt grows back. We find that the lower payment exists not because the rate is actually lower but because the term is extended.  If you stay in debt longer, you get a lower payment.
Deanna was making payments on her own loans until she dumped them on me and left.  I doubt that Deanna has a financial plan now that she has left with Elayna.  With her debt placed on me, its now PAID OFF IN FULL.  She divorced me.  It saddens me that Deanna left so soon after I trusted her with joining finances, especially when she promised me she would never leave me!  I did not sign the Helock until she said those words to me.  30 days later she lied and left and divorced me.
Page 76 of the Total Money Makeover has  Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:
That is why I am walking to work and making my own meals to save as much money as I can, so I have enough for retirement and also hopefully something for Elayna when she gets older.  I pay support right now, its not a lot, but then again I don’t get to see her.

Ahayah/Yasha is helping me

Since I discovered Ahayah/Yasha I have got out of debt and started to save money.  Over my day off, my car needed air in the tires and the battery charged, it was sitting so long in my front driveway blocked by snow, I have been walking so much.  I turned in the plates and will be saving that money to add them at any time.

Ahayah/Yasha has blessed me so.  I have a better job with slightly higher pay and in 3 years I will be making more then I am making now.  I have been guided better on how to get ahead and my prayers seem to be getting answered more now that I know the PROPER NAMES.
Now I am out of debt, but I recently discovered Dave Ramsey on youtube.  With the money I would normally spend on fuel I am reading the Total Money Makeover, that I bought instead.

Its a good book and I will no longer be slave to the lender.  With so many Americans and Canadians into debt, its a ticking time bomb with interest rates rising.  Saving cash now and investing it, seems like a good plan.

Proverbs 22:7The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

I figure that getting financial books to read while on my lunch break at work is better then driving home to eat and spending time on the internet.  Besides I have to decide what is the best routes to take for my retirement and investment strategies, even though my nested is currently small I have no debt and a little wiggle room to save some money.
Ahayah/Yasha is helping me stay out of debt and leading me to biblical ways to get ahead.

Usury (Interest) the Messiah wanted it!

I know in the Bible that usury or interest is frowned upon, or at least that is what most people think.

Exodus 22:24 (25)—25If thou lend money to את any of my people את that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.
Leviticus 25:36— 36 Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy Ishi-ohim; that thy brother may live with thee.

-Any of My people would be fellow Hebrews.  Or people that believe in Ahayah or Yasha

Deuteronomy 23:19-20 19 Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury: 20 Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that Ahâyâh thy Ishi-ohim may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

Since I am using Lending loop, as a foreigner or stranger I can charge interest.  Currently I am making 15.5% but some of them may default and I will be out money.  I’m helping Canadian businesses grow by providing them loans at cheaper interest rates then what they would receive otherwise.
Even the Messiah wanted usury (interest) on His money, which a lot of people don’t know about.  I want to make interest on my retirement savings too!

Matthew 25:27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

Most people don’t think of the Messiah as wanting interest, but that is exactly what he said!
I have made my first $7 dollars this month in interest this month, which does not even cover my 2 bank account fees which the CIBC and Affinity Credit Union charge me over $10 a month in bank fees.  There is still many loans that have not closed yet and I still have more funds there waiting to invest.
I’m currently saving about $400 a month by walking and eating at home.

Deanna Unruh Sorsdahl Debt is Gone!

All throughout the marriage to Deanna we were drowning in her debt.  I told her to get rid of her car, she borrowed money for it but we didn’t need 2 cars for such a small town.  Nor did we need such a nice silver car.  To this day I cannot even tell you what brand of car it was, because those things are unimportant in my life.  She eventually sold it and paid off some of her debt.  But she never did agree with me on that point and the car I bet today is still a sore point for her. The day she left she demanded I leave the house and get a job.  I was making pretty good money on the house rentals and didn’t see a need to leave the house that day.  This was only one day after having Elayna! I told her I was staying home to spend some time with the Baby.  Deanna did not agree and left with the child!  I had a rental business, I could afford to spend the first few hours with my new baby!!!  She was hungry sounding and Deanna was not producing milk and there was no formula for her as we never bought any because we didn’t know Deanna was not producing. I was fighting the carbon 666 tax plan scam and was busy educating people on the climate fraud and showing them the law of the conservation of mass.  The amount of carbon on the planet is a constant and never changes.  Its a rare life bearing element which fosters LIFE, not harming the environment in any way.


Today she is gone, the climate models all failed like I predicted they would, she left after that and I have her debt to payoff as part of the out of court settlement.  $35,000.  That is all of her student loans which she never learned to payoff herself, like I paid off my loans taking Engineering.  Taking her to court would have cost me $20,000 and I likely would not have had to payoff her debts, but that would have hurt Elayna and what she has to live off of.  I hope Elayna is doing well.  Going to court is unbiblical, so I settled out of court for an extra amount, just to clear off her names from my properties.
I sold my lot at Turtle lake and have paid off her debt as well as the house I am living in.  The debts are gone!  I am happily working full time today.
I bought a used book today by Dave Ramsey called the Financial Peace Revisited, the youtube videos goes over Proverbs 22:7 (YABS)The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

I am out of debt and plan not to own any credit cards.  I paid off my delinquent credit card loan and have cut up my cards and don’t have any credit, nor do I want any.  I use a pre-paid debit Visa card from the Scotia Bank when I want to buy a book online.  Since I am walking to work, I have time to read on my lunch since I am away from the internet.
I don’t need a fancy house or a fancy car right now.  I don’t need a cabin at the lake either.  Especially when my only daughter is living in BC and I live in Saskatchewan and don’t get to see her!  I only have to be happy with what I have.
Getting out of debt, is one of the first step in following the Bible.  I have another $800 saved for making investments by Lending Loop, by not eating out or driving around.  I have literally been saving every penny I can.  
The Lot at Turtle Lake was a nice lot that would have made many wonderful memories of the beach and swimming and fishing with Elayna and that plan is now gone.  The extra money from the sale of the lot will go to my Dad, for helping me with the loans on the house and Deanna Debt, and help payoff taxes for the years my Dad was carrying the place. The only thing I can do is do my best to plan for the future and its kind of hard to see how that will turn out.  The software program Nifty Financial Independence has helped give me a plan to move forward and while not easy I am taking that hard route of saving money and compounding interest.  I am still making my monthly commitments to Elayna, so she is getting paid.
Today I found out by my sister Kathy that Deanna name has now been taken off the liens to my properties!  I can now finally start moving forward.  I plan on selling my other 2 rentals that are far away from Melfort this spring and summer and investing the savings for my retirement.  I’m turning 51 soon, so its not too late to start.

Coffee Date!

Today I went to A&W and asked Erin out on a coffee date and she said yes!  I got her phone number.  She is busy most of the week, but Mondays she has off.  I work this Monday till 10:30pm, so it will have to be another day.  Still its my very first coffee date since the split with Deanna.

Yesterday I played bowling with my work team.  It was fun.  Still walking to work and most places and saving my money.  

Insurance for Elayna etc etc.

Today I got in the mail a letter regarding your member benefits from my job at work, since I am part of a union now.  Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, I guess I get $4000 coverage for free and $10,000 for $2 for the first year (No Idea what it costs after that).  I could put my parents down as a beneficiary but who knows how long they will be around for??  I decided to put Elayna down as a beneficiary, even though I do not see her.

What bothers me is I get other coverage for dental etc from work, but since Elayna is not part of my life, don’t know if I should pay for it, if she is never going to use it?  I get coverage, simply Deanna needs to get in touch with me, if she wants coverage in this area!  It would be nice to know how she is doing.  It would be nice if Deanna Unruh Sorsdahl would fill me in.  Work has been going good.  

I have been walking to work to save money, but I drove my car on my days off.  I got a $60 dollar ticket, $30 dollar ticket if paid early for not moving my car, so I parked it in the driveway and paid the early fine.  Seems like it is hard to save a buck, when I wouldn’t have been billed for driving my car.  I have been cooking my own meals and starting to clean up the house.  
I am behind in placing the Aleph Tav  את  In the Torah portion of the new YABS (Yet to be released).  It’s painfully slow process, but I hope people enjoy it.  I blew some money on a new Ipod charger cord $30, as my ipod was no longer charging properly.  

Today I fixed my Ahayah Ashar Ahayah necklace and Aleph Tav  את  Necklace as both quickly fell apart.
I don’t know how long they will last as they are nice necklaces, but are not made that well.  A clasp on the Aleph Tav necklace literally broke and one of the links on the Ahayah Ashar Ahayah necklace snapped.   I bought them off of Ebay, they were not too expensive.  Its nice having the name of the Father written in stone on your neck.  Since there is no Yasha necklace, I used a Aleph Tav  את  Necklace.
Someone bought a Giclee print of my Sorsdahl art today, so I will be using the extra money for my compoud interest savings goal, part of my New Years resolution.  So far at $25 a pop, I have more funds then there are loans available on Lending Loop, with just over a grand left. 13.2% is my average gross yield so far, but the loans havent even paid me anything yet so far.   If I would have bought SDR at the lows I would be back up to par and 31.75% gain.  However I would have had trading fees and more risk being locked in, if it continued to fall.  I like Lending Loop because it pays simple compound interest on your money.  Will give it a try and see how my savings will build.  Crossing fingers.  I simply don’t have enough cash to make trading stocks worthwhile.

Christmas is Pagan

Well I spent the holidays with my parents and my sister Sheila and Cal.  This is the first year I didn’t buy any Christmas gifts and I told my family not to buy me anything but they did anyways.  It was nice to spend time with family, we played clue and Monopoly, talked and ate turkey.  
Today is still fridged outside and since I am walking, I walked to Mark’s work wearhouse and bought a balaclava on a gift card my sister gave me.  I gave them a YABS bible earlier this year and next year I plan on buying gifts for the real birthday date of the Messiah, Sukkot.

Compound Interest

I bought another application called “Nifty Financial Independence”, a compound interest Calculator which calculates how many years to retirement, based on savings per month and interest rate.

I did the numbers and I would be better off selling my house in Alvena and investing the funds, if I can get a decent price for it.
My first $25 dollar investment closed and is finalizing at 14.1% for the start of a loan.  I have $200 invested in other loans total, with more of my savings soon to enter into the pot when they clear the bank.
I finished adding External Link icons to my “Pagan terms” section of the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures.
I have also been adding share buttons at the bottom of the pagan terms section so that people can add a Pinterest, Facebook, twitter, email or stumble upon link to their own personal website.  I have tried advertising the YABS book, but it does not meet the Taboola guidelines so I have to try another venue.
It would be nice to see Elayna over the holidays here, but at least I can still see my family, except for one sister whom will be working.  The only thing I can do is get my financial house in order and that means paying off debts and investing for the future.  I will not be buying any Christmas gifts this year since it is a pagan holiday.  I will instead honour Ahayah and Yasha by spending time with family.  It was only at the end of 2016 or at the start of 2017 that I bought a GOCC calendar which shows the proper holiday celebrations.  I thank the Father and Son for helping me find a proper investment solution.

Google Translate

I have started off as my new years resolution to save money.  I have $35K of debt to payoff of Deanna Unruh Sorsdahl, all of her education and car and Visa expenses.  Plus I have a house to finish paying off.  I plan to payoff the house in 5 years and sell off a rental house in Bruno, Saskatchewan, to payoff Deanna debt.

Just when I started saving some money, my car battery died, so I had to walk to work yesterday.  Which wasn’t that bad because I found it that it doesn’t take that much longer then driving.  So I can save money on fuel, if I walk to work.  I put the battery on the charger last night and the battery recovered.
I bought a compound interest app called “Nifty Compound Interest” and with that figured out what I could potentially save for the year.  So my goal this year is to stick to budget and start saving.  I know Deanna won’t likely be saving for Elayna future house, so since I don’t have much else going on in my life I figured that I could start saving for my own retirement and Elayna Sorsdahl’s future.
Today I have added Google Translate buttons to, I had to tweak them because my site is https.  I also plan to add a “final word” to the pagan terms section so that visitors will be directed to “Buy the Yasha Ahayah Bible Scriptures”.
Its a good thing I sold off SDR Sand-ridge, because the stock has continued to fall precipitously.  I managed to save part of my savings before the stock totally crashed.

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