Silver supply up and silver demand down in 2018

Published on Nov 16, 2018

35.3 million ounces extra.
With interest rates increasing, I think that Lending Loop will be my place to keep on investing.  I have a small amount of silver for a crash and that will have to do.

So much for global warming and carbon 666 tax. Mini Ice Age Here!

A mini ice age could be on the way and it’s going to get very, very cold 

Jasper HamillFriday 16 Nov 2018 9:46 am

Read more:

I’m glad Harper backed out of the Kyoto climate protocol.  It bought us some time.  Now we just have the Paris Agreement to kill.

Today I learned there is no silver shortage

Watch this video

I was planning on adding to my ounces of silver in case of a market crash, but this video tells me my small portfolio of silver maybe all I need.  I’m better off investing my money in Lending Loop.  That or buying a few gold ounces.

Ezekiel 719 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Ahâyâh: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.



Lots sold in Alvena for $22K

Looks like 3 lots have sold in Alvena, as well as the Abandoned house.  I will find out tomorrow how much they sold for.  My sister just told me that the 3 lots sold for $18K, the abandoned house sold for $10K.  There is $6K closing costs for a total profit of $22K.

Lack of sunspots to bring record cold, warns NASA scientist


Novocall is having a giveaway

Enter to win!
Our biggest giveaway of 2018! 📣📣 

Black Friday’s almost here, and it’s been an amazing year for us at Novocall. 

Thus, we’ve giving away: 
– A brand new Huawei Mate 20 worth $1,000 📱 
– A lifetime Novocall account with 100 monthly callbacks 📞 

**Since you guys are already Novocall users, you’ll stand to win a permanent extra 100 calls/month instead a new account! 

👉 Join giveaway: 

Thinking of Elayna Sorsdahl




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I wish I could hear from my daughter. It’s Something I think
about all the time but Deanna hasn’t tried to get in touch with me. While I’m
waiting to hear from Ahlayna (Elayna Sorsdahl) about the only thing I can do is
just do my best to stay out of debt and build some resources for the future.
Staying focused in the word has helped drain these tough times. I’d like to
paint but I need to get the French version and Spanish edition published to Get
the word out there.  House sale in Bruno
fell through but the Pantina house has got an offer on it for $10,000.  Hopefully it closes and it’ll save me I
thousand dollars a year in taxes even if I have to pay $3000 total to the
realtor to close the sale. This month I’m wondering if I should save $500 towards
getting some silver or if I should just invest it into lending loop. The stock
markets of been kind of going crazy up and down and back up for now.

America’s debt will exceed size of economy within 10 years: Study

Published on Mar 2, 2018

The stock market is really moving up, but is it going to hit another ceiling soon?  Silver mines will be depleted at this low price range in that same timeframe.  It seems that 10 years is a wakeup call.

Nearly HALF of Americans Can’t Pay Their Bills! U.S. Economic Crisis Rapidly Unfolding!

Published on Nov 3, 2018

Some 44% of people said their expenses exceeded their income in the past year and they used credit to make ends meet.  Another 42% said they have no retirement savings at all.

With interest rates beginning to rise, one needs to stay out of debt.
I have no credit cards and have $5K in cash to use in case I lose my job.  The house deal in Bruno fell through so it is still for sale.  A lot with an abandoned house has had bidders bidding it up to 10K.  Hopefully it sells, so I don’t have to pay land taxes on it.

More than 1/4 of renters can’t handle $400 emergency… More than 30% insecure about food…

Published 11 Hours Ago  Updated 5 Hours Ago
More than one-quarter of U.S. renters in a survey are not confident they could cover a $400 emergency. Around 18 percent of homeowners report low emergency savings, the survey says.
More than 30 percent of renters feel insecurity about food, as do 19 percent of homeowners in the Urban Institute study.
Rental costs are rising much faster than renters’ salaries. Between 1960 and 2016, the median income for a renter grew by just 5 percent. During the same period, the median rent ballooned by more than 60 percent, according to The Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. (Both figures account for inflation.)
Today my house sale fell through (~$45k), they were unable to get financing at the bank.
Also today a lot and abandoned house I had in Alvena, sk., has had two bidders and one has offered 10k, of which the realtor will take 3K to 4K.  Hopefully this deal goes through because I am tired of paying $1K of property taxes on it.
People are feeling pain living in the larger cities where rent costs or cost of buying a home stretches one to the point of bankruptcy.  This property is 35 minutes drive to Saskatoon.

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